
3 Strategies For Managing Stubborn Farmers Who Just Won’t Budge

The concept of an old farmer who is stuck in their ways is surprisingly true for many families. Often, this takes the form of an aging parent who refuses to pass down the family farm or switch to a new and more effective farming method. When you find yourself going head to head with a member of your team or even the true head of the household, use these tips to ease the tension so that you can finally see eye-to-eye.

Identify The Underlying Issue

Stubborn farmers aren’t just trying to be mean on purpose. They usually act under the belief that what they are doing is right. For instance, a workaholic may believe that they don’t have time to teach their adult child how to run the farm. Alternatively, a new farmer may be determined to follow his grandfather’s outdated ways. Either way, starting out with an understanding of why the farmer you are talking to refuses to change their attitude gives you a starting point for addressing the real problems.

Highlight the Benefits of Your Case

Empathy works wonders when dealing with stubborn mindsets. Let the farmer know that you understand their reasoning but would like to outline the benefits of seeing the other side. If possible, have research to back up your ideas such as demonstrating what happens if they fail to plan for leaving the farm to their loved ones in the event of their passing.

Outline an Action Plan

Once you have the stubborn farmer’s agreement, it is important to nail down an action plan before they change their mind. Make sure your plan is specific enough that it can be followed up on such as setting a date to talk about the future of the farm or who will be responsible for executing the new marketing plan. This seals the new agreement so that everyone is on the same page.

A farmer’s stubborn nature can hold back progress and even leave the family legacy in jeopardy. To learn more about the best practices for farm management in your family, contact us today.
