
3 Tips For Preventing Farm Divorces by Kindling Romance

Farm life has its high points. After all, there is nothing like working with your family to enrich the lives of others with the bounty of nature. Yet, the long hours and intense stress that accompanies working on a farm makes it ever so important for couples to focus on preventing farm divorces. Fortunately, keeping that spark alive is as easy as finding ways to show appreciation to one another.

Show Gratitude

One of the biggest challenges of farm life is that it often feels as though so many things you do go unnoticed. Whether its waking up early to make the family breakfast before they hit the fields or working into the wee hours of the morning to safely deliver a calf, your partner does amazing things ever day. Make time each day to say at least one thing you are thankful for so that they never feel unappreciated.

Keep The Surprises Coming

Old farmers will tell you that a handful of wildflowers brought home at lunch can do more than the fanciest diamond when it comes to romance. This is because the simplest gestures really do add up. So bake your husband’s favorite apple pie and bring it outside for a surprise picnic lunch. Or give your wife the first sweet taste of this harvest’s peaches. Surprises are what show that your partner is always on your mind.

Know When to Seek Help

Sometimes, big problems happen that require professional help. Financial struggles, disagreements over who will take over the farm when your old and role conflicts can all erode your commitment to each other. When you see these problems on the horizon, seek help from an expert who can help you come to an agreement without seeking a divorce.

Farming is a huge commitment that can sometimes generate stress that affects your marriage. For more ideas on how to keep your love alive, contact us today.
