
A Special Message to Farm Fathers

Hey Dad, this one’s for you. We want all the farm fathers out there to know how much they are worth!

First and foremost, you are Father. Your wife and children look up to you and depend on you. You hold your family together, sitting at the head of the table, saying grace at mealtime. When a child needs discipline, your firm hand and stern voice do the difficult job. When a child needs to talk, your sturdy knee and listening ear provide the structure for the conversation. You are the good example, the one your children will remember in the future when they make their own decisions. As you watch your children become adults, you offer your hand to help when needed and step back to watch proudly when you aren’t needed anymore.

Second, you are a Farmer. Your farm feeds your family and many others around the world. You cultivate the land. You work it, plant it, harvest it. You are a good steward. You also have animals which thrive under your care. You operate and tend to the upkeep of a lot of machinery. You own barns, sheds, and fences. A farmer’s work extends to all these things, and more! You work with your hands; you work with figures in your head and on paper; you deal with difficult people, and you make difficult decisions. You keep going, even when you are tired and would rather rest.

Third, you are a Giver. This ties in to the first two because you give to your family as well as to your farm. You give your time, your energy, your money, your sweat, your know-how. You pass on your knowledge to your children. You give your passion for farming freely, while never losing it for yourself. Your giving is underappreciated and unnoticed most of the time, so please understand that your giving is not in vain. We thank you for it all, Farmer Dad! Please, keep up the great work. Our world wouldn’t be the same without you!

AgriLegacy, keeping the farm in the family.
