
6 Signs It’s Time to Pass Down the Family Farm

You know that eventually it will be time to pass down the family farm to the next generation. The idea is half-blissful and half stressful. On the one hand, it will be great to relax and take it easy while someone else handles the farm. On the other hand, you’ve worked your whole life to […]


Retirement from Farming Can Be a Difficult Time

In the United States we hear a lot about the freedom and joys of finally retiring. You’ve done your life’s work and now you’re ready for relaxation and travel. Have you ever met someone who didn’t want to retire? Our society tends to hide these types of people and their stories. These are the folks […]


Three Tips for Farm Transition

Farm transition is a hot top for families in agriculture across the United States. Statistics show over 87 % of farms in the U.S. are family run operations and well over half of the farmers are over 55 years old. Planning for a smooth transition is an important topic, but one that isn’t easy to […]


Asking The Right Questions Towards Farm Transfers

Keeping a farm in the family is a rewarding experience but it can also be a challenging one. That’s why it is important for farmers to ask the right questions before the process can take place. The following queries will allow a transfer to occur without incident and it is always in the best interests […]


Estate Planning For The Family Farm: The Most Common Estate Planning Mistakes To Avoid

When estate and succession planning is in the process of taking place, it is important to avoid the most common mistakes. Let’s take a closer look at these errors so that they do not become a part of the current planning. 1) Procrastination There is absolutely no need to procrastinate when it comes time to […]


Successful Farm Succession

In an ideal world, the family farm would be passed down from generation to generation without any issues. The reality is that family farm succession success requires careful consideration and planning for the process to work well. Successful multigenerational farm families all need to work through the following. Open lines of communication. Hold regular family meetings […]


Tips For Keeping the Farm in the Family

Owning and managing a farm can be a great way to earn a living and is also a legacy that many families would like to keep within the family for generations. If you own and operate a farm that you would like to pass down to the next generation, having a succession plan in place […]


Hiring Kids on Your Family Farm

Look around and take in the serene beauty of your farm. You and your family have put in countless hours of hard work to keep it up and running. Now, it seems that your children have begun their adult lives. They are going to college, getting married, or moving away. Of course, they may still […]


Surviving and Thriving in a Farm Transition

Sooner or later, every family farm faces the hurdle of transitioning to new ownership and management by the next generation. This can be a highly stressful time for both farmers and their children; nobody wants to damage the legacy of many years’ hard work and dedication, but the huge task of transitioning to a new […]


Passing Down the Family Farm: A Tale of Two Family Farms and What Happened to Them

True or false: For families who know the hard work involved – and the many joys – of living on a farm, no other life is acceptable. Answer? True AND false. For the family in the first tale, the answer is false, but rings true in the second tale. Henry’s tale Henry’s parents, farmers in […]
