
Growing for the Future: Education and Grant Programs for New Farmers

Many people come back to farming after careers off the land. Others find themselves wanting to keep up with new research and trends in agriculture. There are a number of training programs designed for new farmers, many of which are available as webinars and online.

The National Farmer’s Union has the Beginning Farmer’s Institute. The program has business management and leadership training, as well as on-site tours of farms and cooperatives.

The USDA has programs for new farmers, women in agriculture, and veterans moving into agriculture. The National Food and Agriculture Organization, another arm of the USDA, has the Beginning Farmer and Ranger Development Program, a grant-based program that is funding collaborations, cooperatives, and partnerships. There is also a grant and outreach program for socially disadvantaged and new veteran farmers.

Farm Aid, the organization popular for bringing great music to support the farm, has a grant program as well, designed to keep family farmers on the farm.

The Land Stewardship Project has a year-long Farm Beginnings Program, as well as a number of shorter programs.

Farmroots, a program of the Greenmarket in New York, offers a number of training programs for beginning farmers. Their Beginning Farmer Program helps new immigrant farmers successfully begin farming careers in the US.

The Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Program, based in Asheville, NC, provides seasonal internships and focuses on local and regional food systems.

The Vermont New Farmer Program has a number of online and in person classes.

The Rodale Institute has resources and programs, including organic farming training and internships, webinars, and online classes.

The Center for Rural Affairs is based in Nebraska, and has resources for beginning farmers and ranchers.

The Virtual Grange offers a place new farmers can go to find information and talk to others. There are opportunities for classes and apprenticeships on the website, as well as new farmer training programs and business incubator services in the Hudson Valley of New York.

For more information on successful farming, please contact us.
