
3 Tips for Preventing Farm Divorces

Running a farm is hard work and, at times, tensions can rise. When those tensions are between husband and wife it can sometimes be hard to simmer down. Eventually, prolonged stress can lead to divorce – which nobody really wants, no matter how vehemently you feel that in the heat of the argument.

Marriage takes just as much hard work as running a farm. Take the following three tips and implement them in your relationship to help it grow roots that won’t break away in the first harsh winds.

1: Take Time For One Another

Running a farm is busy and it is very easy to forget that you need alone time together to make a relationship work. It doesn’t have to be a lot of time, either. Make it a habit to take five minutes at the start of your day and five minutes before bed for just the two of you.

2: Say “I’m Sorry”

Saying that you’re the one in the wrong can be difficult but it’s important to admit fault. You will be wrong sometimes. They will be wrong sometimes. When both of you are willing to admit that the relationship can remain healthy and prosperous.

3: Be Understanding

Sometimes you or they will not have a lot of time. During harvest season, planting season, birthing season… the hours can easily get away from you. Be understanding during these times and know that, when there is time, you two can spend it together. Also be understanding when your partner is just having an “off” day. Nobody is happy all the time, and that’s okay.

There is never a guarantee that a farm divorce won’t happen. The best you can do is give the relationship your all and hope that things turn out for the best – much like farm life. Implementing these three simple tips into your relationship is a great place to start. For more information about family farm life contact us today.
